Category Archives: Traveling

How Does Couchsurfing Work? – Read My Story to Become a Part of This Community of +14 MILLION Travelers and Hosts!

The main goal of is to help my visitors learn languages easily and while having fun. However, traveling and learning languages are closely related together so today I am going to answer the questions, “How Does Couchsurfing Work?” “What is Couchsurfing all about?” “How safe is Couchsurfing?” and so on. I have used Couchsurfing already around 15… Read More »

Is Learning a New Language Easy When You Are Living Abroad as an Expat? – Let Me Share a Story of My Life.

Have you ever heard people saying, “Oh, I would learn a new language if I would live in that country? Then it would be so easy.” As a language blogger and as a language learner I have heard this phrase more than I could count. Today I am going to discuss  Is Learning a New… Read More »