Today I am going to give you one powerful resource which answers to your question, “How to Learn French Easily and Quickly?” It is a short course called “Why French is Easy” by Benny Lewis. In this review, I will show what is it all about and what you will by having it.
Name: Why French is Easy
Author: Benny Lewis
Price: $37
Who Is “Why French Is Easy” for?
French Is Easy is the right course if:
- You ant to speak French with confident
- You are a bit afraid of speaking French
- You want to learn “hacks” how to learn French easily
- You are concerned about forgetting grammar or vocabulary
This course is not for you if:
- You are not ready to get out of your comfort zone
- You want a “magic button” to learn French
So what is this course all about? It consists of “Why French Is Easy” eBook + 2 bonuses that I’ll describe further. But now I will explain what the content of the eBook is and how it will help you to learn French quickly.
This is what Benny says about his course:
=> Learn Why French Is Easy!
Part One – Getting the Right Mindset
In part one Benny explains you the right mindset of learning French. I have found out that a language learning depends on 80% psychology and only 20% good techniques. That’s why this part is so important. Benny tells his story and how he first struggled with French.
French was Benny’s third foreign language that he learned after Spanish and Italian. He mentions that surprisingly Spanish and French were much harder for him than Chinese or Hungarian, for example. Benny didn’t have a right mindset at the beginning which kept holding him back. But then he learned realized how to learn French easily and quickly which allowed him to become a fluent speaker and a professional French translator.
Part Two – Speaking Hacks
In the second part, Benny focuses on French speaking. In my experience, this is the part where people have the most excuses, “The pronunciation is so hard. They speak so fast… Etc.” This section will give you great tools how you can become a fluent speaker in French. It will also give some language hacks and tips how to master French pronunciation.
Even though I started studying French for the first time almost two years ago, I still learned many new ideas from this part. One interesting thing is that French pronunciation is much easier and more straightforward than English pronunciation. Think about, for example, the pronunciation of “ough” in the following words: though, through, plough and cough. It’s always pronounced in a little bit different way.
There is no that kind of exceptions in French pronunciation because it’s more logical than English. I was very surprised to realize how easy and straightforward French pronunciation is. Even though I have studied French, nobody has ever told me those helpful language hacks that Benny wrote in his book. He is the most famous language guru and not without reason.
He has used lots of time to gather all this information so we can save lots of time when learning French.
Part Three – French Grammar Hacks
In this part, Benny goes through how to understand French grammar more quickly. When should you choose masculine or feminine? How adjectives and the past tense work? There are also little tricks for remembering subjunctive and how to use helper verbs like aller, voulouir and devoir.
If you have struggled with structuring sentences, this part can help you a bit. Structuring a sentence in French isn’t so hard than one may think. Many times you just flip two words around and it becomes a question. For example, ”You can help me” (Vous pouvez m’aider) becomes a question “Can you help me?” (Pouvez-vous m’aider?) Did you notice that Vous pouvez only became Pouvez-vouz. Nothing complicated there. Lewis also goes through another type of questions and how to structure them.
=> Learn more French language hacks by having “Why French Is Easy” -course!
Part Four – Words
This is the most fun part. Did you know that English and French have about 70% of their vocabulary in common? So without ever studying a day of French, you may already be able to read some French texts. Think about these sentences for example:
L’hôtel est moderne
L’animal descende du train
You don’t need translation for those sentences if can already read English. In this chapter, Benny will also give two important tips to learn new vocabulary which is not similar to English (or to another language that you have already mastered).

Benny Lewis – The Author of This Course
The Purpose of His Book
“Rather than approaching French learning in a course format, this book examines the hardest parts of the language that many learners struggle with and presents each in a fresh, new, and easy to swallow manner.”
Benny’s goal is that you will be able to speak French fluently and with confident after a few months of reading his book. If you have been afraid of French pronunciation, grammar or vocabulary, you should get Benny’s book.
After going through Benny’s language hacks and tips, I am sure that you will not be so afraid anymore. You will realize that French is quite easy. If you still think that French is hard, I challenge you to read this book. I am sure that your opinion will change.
If you know somebody, who says that French is hard, link him to this site. Let him/her understand that French is not as hard as he/she has thought. 😉
Why French Is Easy Bonuses
Lewis’ course includes a few bonuses which I will shortly describe here
Bonus 1 – The Why French Is Easy Immersion Resource Pack
In this bonus, you will find many ultimately helpful resources to learn French. For example:
- The best places to meet French speakers in your city (or online)
- The best French radio stations and podcasts to immerse yourself in the French language
- Read more here
Bonus 2 – French Daily Immersion Schedule
This bonus section helps you to plan your days to successfully become fluent in French. Do you have a job that takes a lot of time? Do you want to spend time with your loved ones? Do you find it challenging to find time for studying French? Then this bonus will help you and give some magnificent ideas.
Benny also promises a Lifetime Access and Updates. If and when he updates “Why French Is Easy” content, you will get it immediately. In this course, there is a 30-day money back guarantee. No questions asked. So you don’t risk any money by buying this course. You can have a course, and if you are not satisfied, you’ll get your money back immediately.
But I am sure that you will like the course like other French learners (including myself) have liked and found it very useful.
=> Get Benny’s Course and See How to Learn French Easily and Quickly! <=
Have you already bought some Benny Lewis’ courses? Did you find them very useful like I did? Leave a comment below!
This may very well change my life! I’m definitely going to purchase this product. I’ve been wanting to learn French for so long and have even attempted and failed a few times, but I’m not going to give up. I think the price is great so it’s absolutely worth a try and I like the idea of languages hacks it seems like a much faster and easier way to learn.
Thanks so much for sharing
Hi Louloublogger,
I like your attitude that you are not going to give up. Nothing can beat a man who never gives up!
I am sure that Benny’s ideas will help you a lot when learning French. It will give you the right mindset and concrete ideas how you can master French quicker than before. Let me know afterwards what did you like it 🙂
HI there,
Great article and a fab review of the product. Thanks for creating and sharing it with us, it is really appreciated.
I can understand why Banny found French easy to learn having previously mastered both Spanish and Italian (Italian being very much a mix of Spanish and French).
How easy would it be to learn French his way for someone that is not so talented with languages?
Hi Derek,
Actually, French would have been much easier for Benny if he would’ve known all this information beforehand. He said that learning Spanish and French was much more challenging than Chinese, for example.
I am sure that this course will help anyone who wants to speak French fluently.
Especially, this course helps to have a good mindset with French. It helps to understand that it’s not so hard language that some people think.
Hey Roope,
I studied French myself when I was younger. It was mostly by repetition which made it tough. I liked how you mentioned that you can still learn with the course. I also loved the section about immersion bonus section. Personally, being able to use a language is one of the quickest ways to learn. Where I live in the US, there aren’t too many people who speak French, so this section should come in handy.
Thanks for the post.
Hi Jim,
I think that nowadays it doesn’t matter so much where you live if you want to learn a new language. Okay, it can be a bit easier to live in a country where people speak it but I know from my own experience that it doesn’t guarantee anything. If you would like to find people with you could practice, I recommend to check Italki.
I have studied German now around 6 months. 3 months while I was living in Finland and 3 months while I have been living in Austria. And do you know what? I made much faster progress in Finland. After coming here I hadn’t used so much time for studying and it’s so easy to speak English with other people. But probably I’ll start diving into German more from now on 🙂
I like how informative your article is. I was looking for a program which can teach me french but was not too sure which 1 is the best. The Why French is Easy course looks pretty interesting and it’s quite cheap as well. I would consider trying out this course soon. Thank You.
Hi Thevin,
thank you very much for the positive feedback. I am glad that you enjoyed the review!
Benny’s teachings are always powerful and many times they change your mindset. Benny opens eyes to see how easy language learning actually is.
You can try Benny’s “Why French Is Easy” and if you are not satisfied, you can get money back. No questions asked.
Hello there, I was always afraid of French ever since i started learning it in middle school, nothing would ever stick to me and it wouldn’t make much sense to be honest.
In spite of my apparent incapability of learning this language i always tried to do my best and tried to find ways to make it easier for me to learn it. This product seems to be exactly what i was looking for and i can only hope it will be of use in my french learning sessions to come.
Thank you.
Hi Alex,
it seems that you didn’t have the good techniques for leaning French when you studied it in middle school. It’s very typical that school methods aren’t so effective or interesting.
However, now you have another chance to learn French with easier and more motivating methods. Many studies show that adults learn languages faster than kids so now it should also be easier for you 🙂
Great review! I took a semester of French when I was in college, and the masculine and feminine nouns were the most difficult thing for me. English, of course, doesn’t have those, and there is no “trick” that we were ever taught for remembering which nouns are which gender! It sounds like Benny’s course will offer some help with that. I’ll definitely keep it in mind when I want to get back into French.
You are right that masculine and feminine can be a bit tricky in the beginning. However, it doesn’t really matter if you aren’t writing an “official text” in French. In the spoken language you can hardly hear the difference anyway and if you are writing something for a friend, he understands what you are saying.
I don’t know Benny Lewis or his language program. I once tried to learn French by joining a language school. I found French to be very difficult, I had to give up just in two months. many years have passed and now I cannot remember even the common French expressions.
Whether the language is hard or easy depends on the language learning technique. May be I should join Benny Lewis and try his language learning techniques.
I am sure that you could learn French (and also other languages) easily if you use the right techniques. After reading and listening to Benny Lewis, I started learning languages much more easily and I’ve heard the same experiences also from other people.
Like I said before this is going to be interesting. Am definitely going to try this one. Though I’ve failed twice in an attempt to learn French which made zero in on leaning the language, this is something new and am willing to give it a try once more. I hope it comes through for me.
Hi Rumu,
yeah, I definitely recommend you start taking action to learn French because you want it. Like one wise man said, “Execution is the game my friend.” 🙂
I have learned French in my summer class. I could say that it was not really easy but so fun. I just have to sharpen my communication skills and maybe one day I’ll be fluent. I’ll try what you have suggested. Well, learning another language is already an achievement.
I’m happy to hear that it was fun for you to learn French. I think that’s important that you enjoy what you’re doing because then it’s easier to keep on doing it and succeed.
Many times people don’t like classroom style teaching and they think learning languages is boring. But hey, there are so many fun ways to learn languages. 🙂
Your reviews are always excellent. This is another in-depth one. My take on this though will be the first point- mindset. learning the language would be a total waste of time without the proper mindset and I love the fact that the instructor address this early on in the course.
Not until recently, I didn’t know that there are some people that have the fixed mindset – the mindset that those that are expert in a certain field are gifted and others can’t do the same through practice.
The other type of mindset that I always thought that we all have is the growth mindset. With this mindset, you believe that you can learn anything. This is the proper mindset.
You’re right! Growth mindset is much better than a fixed mindset. Growth mindset isn’t afraid of making mistakes because he knows it’s a way to learn. Fixed mindset, on the other hand, thinks that things are fixed and he can’t learn much more than he did before.