Tag Archives: Easy Languages

Is English Hard to Learn for Foreigners? – Of Course Not!

I believe that all languages are easy to learn. If a dog or a little kid can learn new languages, then an educated adult can for sure learn much more and faster. It only depends on three things: right mindset, practice, and right methods. You can learn any language if you have the right mindset. Even… Read More »

Is Chinese Language Easy to Learn? – “Yes!” Says Benny Lewis

Is Chinese Language Easy to Learn? Most people who I have talked to me about the subject have said that Chinese is hard. Does it mean that it’s true? Not necessarily. Even though 99% of people would say that the Earth is flat, it doesn’t mean that it would be. I have found that there are still… Read More »

What Is the Easiest Language to Learn for an English Speaker? This Will Surprise You!

Today we are going to discuss “What Is the Easiest Language to Learn for an English Speaker?” In the end of this article I am going to give you 5 languages that are very easy. But first I share you 3 ideas that highly affect how easily you will learn a new language. A Story… Read More »

Is Italian Easy Language to Learn? Yes, Definitely. – Wheck Out Why!

As you may already know, we believe that all languages are easy. If even a dog can understand any language, nothing is impossible for humans. Today we are going to discuss why ” Is Italian Easy Language to Learn?“. I believe it is and so believes a famous language teacher Benny Lewis. He has written… Read More »