Fluent in 3 Months Premium Review – Learn from the Best

By | December 11, 2016

Today in this Fluent in 3 Months Premium Review I am going to give you a thorough look what is Benny Lewis’ premium language course all about. As you may already know, Benny Lewis is the man who changed the way I learn languages.

UPDATE 2023:

SPANISH: See the BEST method to learn Spanish here!

FRENCH: See the BEST way to learn French here!

Fluent in 3 Months Review – Inside Member’s Area

Before you dive into the text I want to give you an opportunity to watch a video review that I created. I will show you inside the member’s area of Fluent in 3 Months and explain why I bought this course and what kind of results I’ve got with Benny’s methods. I believe you will enjoy!

If I wouldn’t have found his techniques and tips I may be still struggling to speak any foreign language. After finding Benny’s methods I started learning languages much faster and while having a lot of fun. I realized that languages are easy if you are using right techniques. Benny Lewis, the creator of this program, fun-loving Irish guy, a full-time globetrotter and international bestselling author. He speaks more than 10 languages himself so he is a real expert on the subjects that he is teaching.

Fluent in 3 months Benny Lewis

Benny Lewis giving a Ted talk

Let’s dive into his language learning course.

Fluent in 3 Months Premium consists of 4 main sections: Language Hacking, Language Immersion, FAQs, and FI3M LIBRARY. I will show each of them and explain you what is are they all about.

Fluent in 3 months review

1.Language Hacking – Learn Languages Faster Than Before

This section consists of 5 different resources: Speak from Day 1 – Video Course, Premium videos, MasterClass Videos,  Extended MasterClass Audio Interviews and Conversation Connectors.

Speak from day 1 is as the name describes, the short video course that will give you tools how to start speaking in a foreign language starting from day 1. Benny has done it many times himself, so he knows what it takes to do it. He knows what the obstacles are and how to conquer them. There are also tasks after each section that you need to finish before starting the next lesson.

UPDATE 2023:

SPANISH: See the BEST method to learn Spanish here!

FRENCH: See the BEST way to learn French here!

Fluent in 3 months premium review

Speak from Day 1 – Video Course

In Premium videos, Benny shows you different ultimately helpful real-life tools how to learn a language. In his videos, he shows how he uses those tools himself. So he doesn’t only throw “Here’s a tool. Use it.” Instead, he records when he is using the tool so you can see how everything works. He introduces for example MeetUp, Italki, Memrise and other great tools.

In MasterClass sections you will hear interviews with the best language gurus in the universe. These are guys who speak even tens of languages. I can give you some examples

  • Professor Arguelles speaks almost 50 languages
  • Moses McCormick speaks 40 languages including African tribal languages
  • Scott H Young learned Spanish, Portuguese, Korean and Chinese in one year while living under a strict “no English” rule
  • Luca Lampariello is known as the “accent guy,” as he is often mistaken for a native in his various languages.

Motivational speaker Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” If you spend some of your time to listen to the best language speakers in the world, I know that your language learning results will change dramatically. Compare this: listen to your friend who speaks 2 languages or listens to Moses McCormick who speaks 40 languages. Who do you think to have better tips for language learning?

Conversation Connectors is a resource that gives you most important “connectors” in every significant language in the world. Connectors mean those little phrases that keep the conversation going, for example, “Can you please tell me…” “She said something like…” “In principle that is true, but…” “In my opinion…” and so on. By learning these Conversation Connectors you are much better in maintaining a conversation in your target language.

UPDATE 2023:

SPANISH: See the BEST method to learn Spanish here!

FRENCH: See the BEST way to learn French here!

2.Language Immersion – Dive into a New Language

This section consists of 2 parts: Huge resource bank and Forming your daily learning routines

In this section, you can choose from more than 15 big languages which one you want to study. Then you click one of those and a huge library of the best language learning tools online will open for you. Here are some of the features that language immersion gives you for example with the German language:

Fluent in 3 months premium german language immersion

In the picture above you see only a part of all those resources that you will get. Then you click which one you would like to take. Let’s say that you choose “Free or cheap guided lessons online.”

Then Benny gives you a short introduction what this section is all about. He gives you 2 “Top Picks” which are the best resources in his opinion and then “The best of the rest” where are 6 another free or cheap guided lessons online.

Using this language immersion tool will definitely give you enough work to learn a language from a total beginner to C2 level (which equals to a native speaker level). If I am going to study a new language, for example, Portuguese or Italian I will for sure use this Fluent in 3 Months’ Language Immersion resource bank. I believe it will be much faster to learn a new language using these tools than an expensive course in a local language school.

When you have chosen which tools you want to use you can click the following button:

Fluent in 3 months premium

It allows you to create routines that you will help you to learn a new language. Benny also shares as an example what kind of tools he would choose to create his own morning, afternoon and evening routines to master a language. I believe that this section will help you a lot to keep you motivated and keep on going. When you are studying yourself without a teacher breathing over your shoulder you need to have the discipline to take time and study.

Studies show that people who write down their goals achieve much better results than those who don’t write. That is also one reason why planning your studying routines is ultimately beneficial. Like U.S. President Benjamin Franklin said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” And Brian Tracy continues, “Every minute you spend on planning saves 10 minutes of execution.” So don’t forget to plan how you are going to study because it will increase your productivity a lot.

3.FAQ’s – Ask Anything You Want

Fluent in 3 months FAQ

You can ask your questions by typing them into a box and by clicking, “Ask me”.

In this section, you can see what other Fluent in 3 Months Premium members have asked and what are the answers. Then you can ask questions yourself. Below you can see some example questions what have been asked recently.

4.FI3M Library – Free Book (Worth $90) + Other Material

Fluent in 3 months Library

You can see that this part consists of 4 different sections too:

  • Language Hacking Guide
  • Media for Language Practice
  • CEFRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
  • Fluent in 3 Months Director’s Cut

I want to mention that the price Language Hacking Guide used to be $90 if you bought it separately but nowadays it’s included in the premium area as a part of this whole package. It’s Benny Lewis’ bestseller book that helps you to improve your confidence, speaking skills and memory. You can read it 25 different languages so even if your native language is not English, you can read it also in your mother tongue.

Reading Language Hacking Guide will probably save hundreds of hours of your time during your life because you are learning languages much faster.

UPDATE 2023:

SPANISH: See the BEST method to learn Spanish here!

FRENCH: See the BEST way to learn French here!

Fluent in 3 Months Premium Price

The price of Fi3M Premium used to be $197 but nowadays you can get it in under a half price $97. My German course in a local language school costs 339€ for 19 lessons + 2 books for 34€ (thank God my company pays the course). That German course costs about 4 times more for 19 lessons than Fluent in 3 months for a lifetime access. Even if the price would be the same I would say that Fi3M is much more beneficial than a course with old-fashioned methods.

Buying this product is 100% risk-free because you have a full 30-day money back guarantee. If you don’t like the course you can have your money back. No questions asked. But I am sure that this course will change the way you learn languages so you will be more than satisfied.

You will also have a priority support from the premium language team. You can ask any question that comes to your mind, and the support team will come up with a professional answer.

I think that one of the best uses of money is to invest into learning new skills. Because those skills will allow you to earn that money back 100x times during your life. I am quite a frugal person. I don’t use very much money but investing in this course was certainly a good use of my money.

My Final Opinion of Fi3M Premium

I honestly think that Benny’s language learning techniques should be taught at schools. If I were teaching languages at schools, I would teach students accurate methods from the start. Benny’s method of learning languages is unconventional because the purpose is that you learn to speak in real-life situations. At schools many times we just prepare for the tests.

Even though I have read and listened to Benny’s teachings already for over two years, I still find new ideas and tips. Today when I was writing this review and going through different sections of member’s area I thought many times, “Whoa! This piece of information is precious. I really want to use it in my own life.” And even though I had heard some thoughts before, they become even stronger when I listen or read them again.

UPDATE 2023:

SPANISH: See the BEST method to learn Spanish here!

FRENCH: See the BEST way to learn French here!

Then tell me what kind of results you got.

If there is anything you want to ask, don’t hesitate to leave a comment and I will follow up with an answer.

What do you think about Benny’s course? Leave a comment below!

193 thoughts on “Fluent in 3 Months Premium Review – Learn from the Best

  1. rule2020

    This is a very interesting topic as most of us need to learn other languages to do business effectively in other parts of the world.

    Our world is now truly connected with the advancement of air travel and internet of things so we must be prepared to communicate to different kinds of people in different languages.

    Your articles are very good but as a side comment, I would suggest that you use clearer texts to make reading your blogs easier and more enjoyable.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author


      thank you for the helpful feedback regarding to the color of the text. I just changed a WordPress theme of the website a few days ago and didn’t have time to refine all details yet. But I will definitely make texts clearer so the user experience will become better. There are also many other things that I will change in my site to make it better. But all of this requires time and I will do those changes when I have time for it. I am committed to publish 2 articles every week (every Wednesday and Sunday) and that’s #1 priority.

      The world is getting smaller and smaller as you said. You can connect with anyone even though he/she would be 13,000km away from you. You can travel anywhere much cheaper and faster than ever in the history. It’s very interesting.

    2. dsgarsola

      That is a very good topic, because i believe that language is intrinsic to the expression of culture. As a means of communicating values, beliefs and customs, it has an important social function and fosters feelings of group identity and solidarity. It is the means by which culture and its traditions and shared values may be conveyed and preserved.

  2. Anh Nguyen

    Hey there,

    Wow, this is the biggest language learning course I’ve seen. Usually the programs only teach you one language but not 50. I’ve been wanting to pickup my Japanese learning for a while now, so maybe this can be a nice place to do that.

    I’m wondering though if it’s efficient to have a one course for so many languages, though?

    Thanks for sharing!


    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Anh,

      this is not a typical language course where you study thousands of grammar rules, long vocabulary lists and so on. Fluent in 3 Months gives you of course lots of specific resources how you can learn a certain language. But it also teaches the principles and the mindset you need to have in order to learn a language quickly.

      There are no 50 languages but those principles can be used to any languages. There are about 15 different languages included and Japanese is one of them. I just checked and there is a huge resource collection for learning Japanese.

      So I definitely recommend you to take a closer look if you want to become fluent in Japanese or take your skills to the next level. 🙂


  3. Zed

    Hello Roope Kiuttu !
    Thank you for this informative article about learning languages .I myself learn English as a second language .last June I bought a pack of English. Benny Lewis was one of the teachers of that package .I really enjoyed his method because it is very effective and fruitful .I advise any one who would like to master his English to try it .

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Zed,

      I am very happy to hear that you liked another Benny’s language course. I have seen one course on the Internet where were many language gurus and they made a whole course together. Probably that’s the one you bought. I haven’t bought it yet myself but I am sure that it’s very profitable and high-quality because it’s made by the best language teachers in the world.


  4. Chris Towers

    This looks like an amazing course I have to say!

    I am from the UK, but over the years have learned to speak German and Greek. This came about as I have lived in both countries for a large amount of time, and in fact i am still in Greece today!

    I find one of the biggest issues with people learning another language is feeling they will appear stupid if they make a mistake! The fear of being laughed at!

    This is one of the important points and it stumps language growth!

    The other problem is assuming everyone else can speak your language, which can make you lazy!

    I think this course looks interesting and it should serve well to anyone wanting to learn another language with confidence.

    Thanks for the info as I have never heard of this author before!


    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Chris,

      I believe that it’s great to live there in Greece with sun and beaches ;).

      I totally agree that one of the most common reasons what slows people from learning a new language is that they are afraid of making mistakes. I had it too in the past. But then I realized that actually that fear is ridiculous. If somebody laughs, so what? At least I have made somebody smile and laugh. Isn’t it a positive thing? 😉 Mistakes are proof that you are trying. Most people don’t try at all which means that they fail by default.

      I think that another challenge that you mention is common for people from U.S. and U.K: For Finnish people like me it’s very uncommon because nobody can speak our language despite us. So if we want to manage abroad we really need to learn a new language.

      Well, I also heard also about one funny guy from Finland. He was born in a countryside but he used to travel a lot abroad. But wherever he went he ALWAYS spoke Finnish because he couldn’t speak other languages. Even though nobody understood him, he just always kept on speaking Finnish. I don’t know how well he connected with foreigners then :D. The story doesn’t tel that…


      1. Rumu

        That’s some guy I must say. I’ve had a personal experience of that nature with someone from Italy. He keeps speaking Italian not minding if anyone understood him. I admired his confidence everytime he did and in someway it encouraged me to never shy from speaking a learning language for the fear of mistakes.

        It think it all has to do with the mindset like you stated in on a different post. If you arm yourself with a positive and open mind, almost every set goal, even the hardest can be achieved.

          1. Adesuwa08

            Yes, I agree with you. Mindset is everything. Many language seeking learners find it difficult expressing their due to the fear of making an error while speaking and then being laughed. This is one of barriers faced with most people. Overcoming this problem can really prove to be something great, meaning a certain brick has been brought down to usher in a new type of understanding.

  5. Reinis Inkens

    I’ve been reading Fluent in Three Months lately, in prep for an upcoming trip to a Spanish speaking country, and while it is fascinating and encouraging, unfortunately everyday life comes in and tells me I’ve got no time for this nonsense! Got any tips for those of us with no time to look for people speaking the language or engrossing ourselves in the culture?

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Reinis,

      First I need to ask you one question, “Do you really want to learn a new language?” If yes, then I don’t accept any excuses ;).

      I understand your situation because it’s very common. Many people say that they don’t have any time to learn new languages. However, in 99% of cases it’s only an excuse. We all have 24 hours in a day. But I fully understand the feeling that you don’t have time if you want to do many other things. I have a solution for you!

      I published today a post how you can learn a new language without using a minute of your own time. I have used it myself and I know that it works. Go and check the article.

      Then if you think that Fluent in 3 months -course would waste your time, I would like to give you another perspective. What if you don’t study methods in this course? Then you will waste endless hours trying to learn a new language because you don’t know the fastest methods. If you go instead through this course and then apply all those principles in a real life, you can learn much faster.

      I wish all the best to your language studies, Reinis!


  6. Ryll Johnson

    Hi Roope Kiuttu

    First of all I would want to say thank you for sharing this language course. I, personally, am also learning new languages and I may say it isn’t easy for me. I started to learn Italian but sometimes I feel bored and end up discontinuing and start over again.

    As I’ve read on this blog Fluent in Three Months might actually help me finish learning a new language that I can use to my advantage in the future. However with the price of the book, I think I still need to earn for that but if it’s worth it then I’ll do it.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Ryll,

      I understand your concern. However, if you compare the value that you get from Fluent in 3 Months compared to many other language resources, Benny’s course is a must. The price of a language course was 330€ ($350) at a local language school. Benny’s course costs only $97 even though he provides much more value and better tips.

      If you can get tips from the best language teacher in the world, I think it will pay itself back quite quickly. What do you think?

      I believe that you will learn Italian quite easily because it’s not a complicated language. You can have a look at this article where I explain more why Italian is easy.


    2. daniellejoy

      This is really great. It helped me a lot to be fluent in that language. Thank you so much. I’m still learning but I think I’ll get there.

      1. Rumu

        I agree with you. It has really been helpful. Am glad that I found this site. Am really learning a lot from all the recommendations on this site.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Christine,

      I don’t understand what do you mean with ‘catet’. Would you like to elaborate more?

      I haven’t been yet to Philippines but I definitely want to come there in the future and visit many beautiful islands. Now the dream is coming true because I’m a full-time online marketer and I have a freedom to work wherever I want.


        1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

          Ahaha True! 🙂

          I don’t know whether Fluent In 3 Months works in the Philippines or not. The best is just to try it out yourself.

  7. gifthoy

    Wow this what I have been looking I will continue checking on your site thanks for a nice post

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      I’m glad to hear that. Let me know if you need any more help with language learning and I’ll be more than happy to help you out.


  8. vaste

    Nice topic! It’s very helpful especially to those struggling in a foreign language. Nowadays communicating through other language is part of the business so keep it up. Very helpful

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Vaste,

      you are right that language skills will help you in doing business. I am doing almost all of my work in English which isn’t my native language. Then I have also used Spanish, German, Indonesian, French and other languages during my career. Language skills have really enriched my life.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Tasleem,

      that’s true! Benny’s teachings and principles are helpful for those who struggle with language learning but also for polyglots who speak already many languages.

      Still, I am reading and listening to Benny’s teachings every now and then.


  9. xagiate

    I like the way Benny Lewis is thinking and how he approaches different languages. I am interested in learning Chinese or Japanese using his methods. Don’t know if it is going to work but have to give it a try. It would be great to learn fast these two languages because they seem really hard to me. I will check his talk at TED. Nice article Roope.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Xagiate,

      thanks for your comment. Yes, this course will for sure help you to learn Chinese or Japanese. He (and other language gurus inside the members’ area) give great tips that can be applied to any language. In addition, he gives tons of useful resources for learning big languages like Chinese and Japanese as well. I bet you’ll love it!


  10. Srdjan

    It’s time to turn my sleeves and learn another language by the Benny Lewis method. I do not know whether I will succeed, but I will do my best to try.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Srdjan,

      sounds great! I am 100% sure that you will succeed. Benny Lewis’ methods work and they are proven by 100,000’s students all around the world.


    2. jemuelterrado

      You will succeed if you will believe in yourself friend. Exert some time and effort to be able to get those things you want to learn in life. It is very interesting to learn new things which will help you to be more productive in life.

  11. Chris

    Great work. Thanks for guiding us on how to be fluent in 3-months. Keep up a good work. 🙂

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      You’re welcome Chris. Becoming fluent in 3 months requires lots of commitment and hard work but it’s definitely possible.

  12. Decypher

    Awesome! but come to think of it,fluent in three months, is that really possible, damn learning languages ain’t easy though, I’m trying to learn Japanese and i will try to use the method, it might worth the few bucks, cause I’ve tried many methods and my fluency is not yet impeccable.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Decypher,

      it’s definitely possible to become fluent in three months but it requires hard work and lots of commitment. If you are having a 9 to 5 job and a family, most likely you don’t have enough time to fluent in three months. However, you can use the same tips to become fluent faster than you would become without these tips. Benny’s language teachings completely revolutionized my mindset about language learning.

  13. Neil

    Thank you for sharing I’ve always wanted to learn several languages and I never thought of some methods mentioned in this post. I know that it will really be hard at first but it just needs commitment and hard work. This post was really helpful thank you so much Benny!

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Neil,

      you are right that learning a new language requires work and commitment. However, the process can be way easier by using Benny Lewis’ methods rather than old “school” methods. That’s why I think it’s important to pay attention on how do we learn languages. You can become fluent in the half of time if you use good techniques.

  14. Jenien

    This article is very helpful. However, I think 3 months is just early to learn different languages especially when you have a full-time work and children to take care of. You should spend a lot of time to learn. However, spending your time and money will not be wasted because you are learning languages which is an advancement of this new generation. Once again, Thank you for this article. I would try this.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Jenien,

      you are right that becoming fluent in 3 months can be quite challenging if you have a full-time job (where you don’t practice your target language) and children to take care of.

      However, these methods will for sure speed up the process and you’ll learn a new language faster than before.

  15. Bouchetob Ines

    Hello my name is Bouchetob Ines and I hold a Master degree in in linguistics .I find Benny Lewis method pretty impressive fun,and logical since it focuses on speaking and breaking the mental barriers from the very first day of learning a language

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Bouchetob,

      that’s true. I’ve found out during the years that 80% of learning a new language depends on the mental side and 20% depends only on techniques. Most of the time those things go hand in hand. People who are confident to become fluent, start speaking the language right from the start so they have the right technique and the right mindset for the optimal learning.

  16. ronnie mer

    Then if you think that Fluent in 3 months -course would waste your time, I would like to give you another perspective.

    What if you don’t study methods in this course? Then you will waste endless hours trying to learn a new language because you don’t know the fastest methods. If you go instead through this course and then apply all those principles in a real life, you can learn much faster.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      That’s definitely true. One of the former U.S. presidents was asked what he would do if he would get an axe and 8 hours to cut a tree. He answered that he would use 6 hours sharpening the axe and only 2 hours cutting the tree. It means that it’s important that we have the right methods and that we are well prepared.

  17. ronnie mer

    I speak six languages myself, which I painstakingly learned over many years of studies, and I was very curious to learn more about Benny Lewis’s method. After reading this book the best way to describe it is “language-learning for couch-surfers”. You’re more likely to reach a basic conversational level only by speaking the language using a phrasebook for three months than really become fluent in it.

    The keyword here is “fluent”. Lewis spends an entire chapter near the beginning of the book to give his own definition of fluency, and let’s just say that it’s not what most people think of when they use the word. While the book sounds written from his heart, and he does sound honestly passionate about languages, I simply cannot forgive him this marketing sleigh of hand.

    That is not to say that his tips are all useless. Focusing on the spoken language first is very good advise. But his insistence that language is primarily a method for communication leaves out a whole world of knowledge. I understand why he would avoid long pages of grammatical tables at the start of his learning process (nobody likes verb conjugations and noun cases), but I cannot accept that one could reach level B2 (fluency) without ever studying grammar, or even reading a newspaper or watching TV for that matter. I suspect that his secondary languages (those he hasn’t taken any written exams in) are in very bad shape.

    The other major problem with this book is that it’s basically a collection of posts from his website. And since there’s no easy way to include everything in a book, it feels incomplete in places and incoherent in others. His editors could have done a better job.

    Despite all the flaws, the book is inspirational, mostly thanks to Lewis’s enthusiasm and direct style of writing. And it does list some fine points I plan to go back to and follow for my own studies. Overall, Fluent In 3 Months is not a waste of time, but it over-promises and under-delivers.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi again Ronnie,

      it seems that you have read Benny’s book “Fluent in 3 Months: How Anyone at Any Age Can Learn to Speak Any Language from Anywhere in the World” which costs only around $10 on Amazon.

      Thank you for sharing your insights and thoughts. I haven’t bought the book because I bought Benny’s fluent in 3 months premium course and his “Why Languages Are Easy” package.

      I believe that his Benny’s fluent in 3 months premium is much more comprehensive than the book. In the member’s are he gives tons of tips and concrete advice that can’t be covered in one book.

      Benny has, actually, taken official language exams in several different languages and he has achieved the C2-level in many of those. In my opinion, his methods don’t only teach you to speak a language fluently but they help you also in the written language. I recommend checking out this Fluent in 3 Months Premium because it may give you, even more, help on reaching fluency on new languages.

      It’s very impressive that you speak already 6 languages fluently. Congratulations for that great achievement!


    2. jemuelterrado

      Wow really sounds great speaking in six languages, Ronnie. How did you do that? how long have you been in studying to master all the languages?

  18. ronnie mer

    Some people keep on telling that they can’t do it because they are too old. I can say that I thought too before that older people don’t learn languages so fast. But then I saw a study which showed that seniors could actually learn languages faster. My own (and other people’s) experience is showing that the older I get, the easier it is to learn new languages. 99,99% of the time people are just using age as an excuse.

  19. Bouchetob Ines

    Benny Lewis way of teaching is very effecient for it puts emphasis on speech and daily conversations instead of writing and literature or other elementary tasks that Can frustrate students at the beginning of the learning process

  20. Mr. Meeseeks

    Wow, kudos to you!

    It’s really hard to learn another language other than your native one. Thank you for providing a great and easy way to do such difficult thing. Keep it up!

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Mr. Meeseeks,

      in my opinion, learning languages isn’t hard at all. That’s why this website’s name is Languages Are Easy ;). I bet that you have used some “old-school” methods if you have felt that learning a new language is hard.

      I highly recommend trying Benny’s course because it will make your language learning way easier and more effective.

  21. Tin Baker

    Oh so there’s a shortcut in learning English and to speak it fluently. I guess I’m doing it wrong all this time haha thank you for this info! keep it up!

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Tin Baker,

      yeah, there are shortcuts to learn any languages including English. 🙂 This course will help you to learn languages faster than ever before.

  22. rickthesizzlerz

    This sounds really interesting, especially the MasterClass section! Those are some really talented people. I completely agree with what Jim Rohn said. Very well written article!

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Rick,

      yeah, Masterclass session is very interesting. It’s exciting to hear tips from people who speak already 40-50 different languages if you want to learn new ones as well. They know how to do it. Much better than local school teachers who speak usually only 1-3 languages.

  23. Deborah Adler

    I spent 3 years “learning” German in High School. Language labs were new then – where students each had headphones to listen to records pronouncing words and phrases and conversations. At the end of the year, all anyone really remembered was the copyright notice we had heard each time at the beginning of each session!

    It is essential for Americans, particularly businessmen and women, to get out of their “everyone should speak English” attitude and learn to communicate in other world languages. This method provides a successful way of mastering other languages in a time-effective way that lasts.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Deborah,

      haha, that’s a funny story! 🙂

      Yes, it’s surprising that many Americans don’t speak other languages than English. It feels that in Europe almost everyone speaks at least 2-3 languages and some people 4-5 or even more.

  24. Maya

    Wow, that’s great!

    It would be amazing if I too could learn a new language in just a short time. I have actually tried one; but all I can just do now are read, write, and make a simple sentence. Though I still have a long way to go before I could use it in a conversational way.

    Those persons who have achieved to learn it in just 3 months must have been a really committed dude. ?

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Yes, learning a new language in 3 months requires lots of commitment for sure. I am sure you could achieve a conversational level in your target language in a few weeks because you already have a good basic knowledge. I highly recommend that you take a look at Fluent in 3 Months or other resources on my website if you want to speed up your language learning speed dramatically.

  25. Xilkozuf


    thank you for your article. I have just one small question (and one curiosity, that could also be considered a question). Maybe I’m just missing it, but I’m not sure.. is this an online course, right? Or something you do in person?

    And the curiosity… is Luca Lampariello Italian? Since I’m Italian too, and his name sounds Italian indeed. Just curious!

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Zilkozuf,

      yes, Fluent in 3 Months is an online course. You can learn everything from the comfort of your own home or wherever you are in the world. That’s a great benefit in my opinion.

      Yes, I think Luca Lampariello is Italian. However, people have mistakenly thought he is from other countries because he speaks several languages so fluently 😉

  26. Geloi Dequit

    This is just sweet! I can’t imagine myself speaking 10 languages or more in my own country. There are so many companies that pays high for people who are bilingual to speak to their foreign clients. How I wish I can try this myself and maybe quit my current job and go look for a new career being a translator.

  27. AlexJPro

    Wow…This is just so amazing and game-changing.

    I’ve never heard of this method until now and it just seems mind-blowing no kidding.
    I’ve always wanted to speak spanish and french really well but i thought “It’s just too hard” but this method is fantastic!

    I will try this for sure and i have a strong feeling that it will work

    Great article!

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Alex,

      I’m sure Benny’s methods will help you to learn Spanish and French. I studied both of those languages with Benny Lewis’ methods and my progress much faster than ever before. I can honestly say that Benny Lewis revolutionized my language learning.

  28. vinaya

    English is also a foreign language for me. I have been using English since I was in Kindergarten, however, I am yet to master the language. I can write, but I cannot write as good as a native writer. I can speak, but I cannot speak as good as a native.

    If can become a fluent in a foreign language just in 3 months, I think this is a great opportunity for me. I am still not very fluent in English language even after spending almost than two decades. I want to attend this course.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Vinaya,

      Then I definitely recommend taking the course. Benny explains why some people learn languages fluently in 3 months while it takes 2-3 decades from other people. It’s not about language genes or something mystical. It’s just about the methods and the right mindset.

      1. vinaya

        I think three months are more than enough to learn a new language. However, how good you will become in three months depend on number of factors, your interest, your time and your learning method. If you are actually interested in learning the language, if you have time to study the language and if you are using proper learning method, you will become fluent in three months.

  29. jerom

    Language is easy if we work hard in learning on it. Here in our place, we have 120-175 languages and dialects, but the major dialects are 8. We learn in every language by socializing people through this we can ask if what is the meaning of that word so we can easily adapt it.

    We also use the English language as the international language since then we used to talk in English in our school and sometimes in our house. But still, you need to study the languages because if not others may misunderstand what are you saying.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Jerom,

      it would be interesting to hear what do you refer by saying “our place”. Do you mean your country? Which country it is?

  30. Geline

    Wow, I’m excited to learn to speak different languages fluently especially now that I’m planning to work in a Business Process outsourcing(BPO) particularly Call Center. It’s always an advantage and you will get a high chance of getting hired if you can speak at least 3 different languages aside from English.

    It’s been a long time since I work at the call center and I still remember how hard it is if I can’t close the sale because the one who answers my call is Spanish or Chinese and I can’t explain to them because I don’t know how to speak their language. I think I’m going to give this course a try.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Yeah, it gives you a great advantage in many jobs if you are able to speak your clients’ native language. I was working for 7 months in an international transport company and some people needed 4-5 languages every day. I worked with Germany-Finland transport so Finnish, English, and Germany were enough for me.

      I bet you’re gonna love this course. 🙂

  31. Mary C Pierce

    All I can say is WOW!! I was speaking with my daughter the other day, she’s getting a degree in Animal Sciences to become a vet. I told her that we should learn another language together to be more efficient in our lives.

    I have a travel business and languages is all part of the business. I use a translator but I would love to be able to connect with them in their native tongues. Since she is studying to become a veterinarian she could use it in her business as well. We are both eager to start this course. I want my first language to be Spanish and Japanese.

    Thank you again for this great opportunity, knowledge and work you have done.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Mary,

      sounds great! Language skills definitely help doing business. While I was still working in my last 9 to 5 job (before becoming a full-time online marketer) I used Finnish, English and German usually every day. Sometimes also Spanish. I found it was easier to get a contact with partners when you talked in their native language. Even though my German level wasn’t the best, in many occasions it helped me to get the job done.

  32. Gisell Ann Dignos

    Learning different language is really a complicated thing. In our place, learning English language seems to be very difficult for young students since we have many dialects.

    As a teacher, I’m always looking for ways on how to make the language learning of the students meaningful and at the same time fun. Learning the language is also a springboard for the students to become successful in the future.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Giselll,

      have you ever tried language learning games with your students or would it be possible? Duolingo, LingQ, Memrise and other ones would be great.

      I think it’s possible to learn new vocabulary much faster by playing games rather than studying them from long vocabulary lists on the textbook.

  33. Rachel fraga

    Hi Roope! I am an educator and teaching languages is too difficult for the students. It takes years to master English language and become fluent. I am glad that I’ve found this blog of yours that may help me for my future references. Hoping to read more of you! More powers!

    I am currently teaching and I will apply all of this. A must try.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Rachel,

      I believe it’s difficult until you practice it and it becomes easy. 😉

      Of course, techniques affect a lot. Most schools and language courses use boring methods that don’t help students to learn a language while having fun. Benny’s methods are powerful because they help you to teach/learn languages easily while having lots of fun.


  34. victoroj

    I’ve never known a person who can speak more than 10 languages, he’s amazing. He must have developed the technique to learn new languages very well.

    In this day and age it’s really important that we learn to speak different languages, whether for business or work-related, or even for leisure and when visiting other countries. While it’s true that English is the universal language, let’s not also forget that there are people who prefer to speak in their native language.

    And learning to speak other languages is an edge. I’ve been dying to learn to speak french, I find it very classy and sexy to be able to speak french, they say it’s the language of love.

  35. Denn95

    English is an interesting language. But it’s more fun when you learn some new vocabulary daily and apply it then you’re getting yourself into it. 🙂

    1. jemuelterrado

      I agree to you Denn applying to yourself some vocabulary helps you to easily learn and recognize it most especially when you are learning some complicated language like french.

  36. Lhara

    This is a very interesting and helpful course. A lot of people all around the world need this. Just like me. English is my second language and i’m really interested an eager to learn more. This article not just teach you languages. It also teaches or gives people motivation to learn.

    It will be a great help in a person’s life if you know how to speak in different languages. It’ll help you understand people. It’ll help you express your feelings. And of course it will help you adapt easily to different places you go and have fun at the same time.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Lhara,

      Motivation is a big resource when learning a new language (or any other skill). Also, when you have good reasons like you explain, it’ll be much easier to master your target language.

  37. zenica16

    I admit it took me about a year or two to be somehow confident on expressing my thoughts using English language since it is not my native language, however I did my best to learn and do some research.

    Knowing about this technique is a big help, not just for me but for my family and friends. I will tell my them about this and thank you for sharing this helpful article.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Zenica,

      yeah, Benny’s methods also revolutionized my language learning completely. I bet your family and friends would enjoy it as well.

  38. Anslem Edeh

    If someone had told me that i would know how to speak different foreign languages in just a short time,I would not have believed it.I wish i could just speak ten languages fluently just like Benny Lewis.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Anslem,

      the idea of being able to speak 10 language sounded also amazing to me. However, after studying the subject a little bit and researching polyglots I researched that they are just regular people.

      You, me and anybody can learn to speak 10 or even 20 languages with enough practice. The founder of LingQ, Steve Kaufmann, speaks 16 languages fluently and he has used his own app to learn them.

  39. Erin

    Fluent in 3 months looks like a great resource for learning new languages. I’m working on acquiring some new languages to improve my employment opportunities. I was happy to find your review as it gave me a better idea of what the program consists of more than the actual program website did.

    I think that the approach looking at a language related to the entire culture is great as many cultures have words you may say where you could unknowingly offend someone. Many languages also use “slang” words in their everyday speech that you wouldn’t necessarily be learning in a traditional language textbook.

    I would much rather understand what someone was saying to me and not have to respond back with sounding like a robot because I only know the basics of the new language I’m trying to speak. While I am very frugal as well, $97 does not seem like much money to spend for the tools to learn an endless amount of languages.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Erin,

      Yeah, learning a new language and learning about their culture goes hand in hand. The purpose of a language is to help to communicate with each other. Also, when you know something about other person’s culture, it helps you to understand him better which improves communication further.

      I’m glad you enjoyed my review and I believe you’ll enjoy using Fluent in 3 Months 🙂

  40. jemuelterrado

    Such a great share. It would be so nice learning foreign languages. I know it is not easy but we can learn by it slowly. For me three months is not enough to hug the culture and language but for sure you will learn the basics in that time frame.

    In this case also this can help you grow your business with the partnership of other countries. Language is the key to a successful communication so this is a worth trying website.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Jemuel,

      I know that languages will be easy for you as well when you learn the right methods and have a good attitude. For example, the creator of Fluent in 3 Months always struggled with languages when he was young.

      Then as an adult he found the right methods for learning and nowadays he speaks around 13 languages fluently. Anything is possible for you as well if you just use the right methods that you enjoy. You’ll learn the basics in a week instead of 3 months 😉

      1. jemuelterrado

        Wow really nice tips from you idol. Yes it really takes time but i can’t imagine you can learn basics in just weeks? Yes i know it is possible but not fluently like me who can offer only an extra time learning to different languages because of a hectic schedule. I hope i could be like the creator someday that can speak fluently in 13 languages. Really amazing and inspiring information.

        1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

          Yeah, if you need to prioritize other things higher, then you don’t have so much time left for language learning. One effective method to learn languages is to listen to audiobooks, podcasts or teachings while you are driving to/from your workplace. You don’t need to use any time but you can study many hours per week with that technique.

  41. Mar Andriel Escalora

    Wow, kudos to you!

    It’s really hard to learn another language other than your native one. Thank you for providing a great and easy way to do such difficult thing. Keep it up!

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Mar,

      if you have felt that learning languages is hard, it’s because you haven’t used good methods for you.

      When you have the right methods you will feel that learning languages is easy. It’s about the mindset and methods. Those are two keys to learning a new language easily.

    2. jemuelterrado

      I feel you Mar learning other language is harder than learning mathematics and it consumes a lot of time but nothing is hard if some methods are used well.

      1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

        Also, learning methods are so crucial. “It’s insanity to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results.” -Albert Einstein

        If you don’t get good results with your current methods, then it’s time to try something new. 🙂

  42. jayveeborres

    I don’t have any idea about Fluent in 3 months. Can i really be fluent in 3 months? I think I may be fluent if I had that book or maybe not. I gained so many ideas once I read this articke. Internet is the way that I learn languages I like and I love. Just focus on your language you’re aiming for and don’t surrender.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      When I first time heard that I could become fluent in a new language in 3 months, I wasn’t able to believe it. But after seeing regular people achieving it and learned more effective techniques than a normal “classroom teaching” I realized it’s possible for me as well.

      I haven’t taken a 3-month challenge yet but I think that at some point in life I must take it with some language to prove myself and others that it’s really possible 😉

  43. Miki

    I’ve experienced teaching the English language to Japanese students who are around the same age as I am. It was definitely a challenge because of the huge language barrier between us. It made teaching a dreadful task because of the absence of a common language. Defining words and expressing them was not a piece of cake. But as I read through the article, I realized the different things I must have done wrong. I especially struggled with students who were too shy to speak out how they were feeling, if they were confused or not.

    As an opinion, I would suggest that these lessons be applied by language teachers as well in the beginning of their discussion. These tips will aid the student on what to expect and also on what tools to use to avoid confusion and also for easier retention. Would you agree with me?

    Best regards,


    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Yes, I certainly agree that you should implement Benny Lewis’ tips for teaching your students. It will make teaching much easier. Lewis has a long experience of teaching and learning languages in a world-class level so his advice will help you for sure.

      I think we never have then lack of resources. Tony Robbins says that it’s only a lack of resourcefulness. It motivates me to look for new ways to achieve my goal if I have failed for the first time.

  44. Raquel Amante

    Foreign language is slightly hard to learn but when you have the right technique and dedication you will surely learn the language that you want to learn. In my part, English is my third language and it is something that I can be proud of. In school, teachers teach us all about English.

    I think learning another language aside from English is a huge deal. I’ve tried learning more about Korean language and is is difficult because i’m not used to it.

    When I saw foreign people who are still struggling learning another language such as English. I think that practice makes really perfect. They just need to be taught by another expert who has the the best teacher to teach them.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Raquel,

      if you associate with people who had struggles with learning languages they naturally say, “Languages are hard. It’s hard to learn languages. I’m too old.” and other excuses. However, the reason they say so is because they didn’t use right techniques or had a negative mindset.

      Then if you listen to people like Benny Lewis (and other people inside his course) who have found the best techniques to learn languages they say, “Wow learning languages is easier than I ever thought before. I wish I would have realized this earlier. My eyes have opened for new possibilities.”

      That’s why it’s very important who do you listen to when it comes to language learning or any other subject in life.

  45. Monica

    I definitely agree with the author that this information is indeed precious! There are a lot of language courses existing over the internet nowadays and people are very much willing to pay for what it takes to become fluent in speaking or using other languages. Learning other languages became popular because people travel more and worked in different places in the world.

    The struggle in learning other languages is not a joke. People in all walks of life struggle not just for a short period of time, it depends on their capability to learn and adopt the new language. I can attest to that since I experienced teaching English to foreign people like Japanese, Korean, Turkish, Vietnamese, Thai and Chinese. This course which will only take only 3 months is definitely worth trying and spending money for.

    In my opinion, the techniques specified in this course should really be taught in schools. If they’re going to do that, they should start with the teachers. Teachers have to be equipped with such skills to become effective in teaching language. That way, people will become more productive, we can make the world smaller and we could better understand one another- how amazing would that be!


    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Monica,

      you are right. The information in the course is certainly precious. I think more people should be aware of it. There are so many myths about language learning because of the lack of knowledge. For example, “Adults learn languages slower than kids.” That’s BS and people only repeat that mantra because they never took the time to check out better ways to learn languages.

      Based on researches and my own experience adults learn new languages much faster than kids if they use the right methods.

  46. shianlove0128

    Every language sounds strange the first time you hear it, but the more you expose yourself to it the more familiar it becomes, and the easier it is to speak it properly:

  47. blank629

    That’s a very interesting topic about language. In myself, I want to speak fluently other languages. So if I’m going somewhere for vacation or work purposes, I can understand clearly what they say and can communicate in a easy way. Seeing your blog is a great information and for just 3 months? I’m amazed of it and I hope I can master to speak like other languages.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      That’s a good plan. You can easily learn the basics of a new language in a week. That can make your holiday more enjoyable if you like using the local language.

      I’m glad you’ve found my blog and I believe it will help you to reach fluency faster.

  48. emeka Onyeka-Ben

    Learning languages is probably underrated but I don’t really feel it’s that easy to learn a language that easily due to some factors I shall highlight

    1) learning a language is one thing but actually speaking it fluently and correctly is another hurdle we need to look at.

    2) just like the English language and the vowel sound I believe that other languages have their vowel sound in respect to the proper way of pronouncing it.

    For example the British accent is so different from the American accents the same with Latin which is spoken in vast of Latin America.
    The languages would definitely be easy to learn but the right languages for the right region must be learnt.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Emeka,

      if you feel that language learning is hard, I recommend trying new techniques and methods. I always thought that learning languages is hard until I learned from the best teachers in the world like Benny Lewis and other successful guys.

      It will also help in the things you mentioned.

  49. SirenOnFire

    I never thought it possible for anyone to be fluent in 50 languages when I struggle to learn just one. What they offer seemed like an interesting program and learning from these people who have actual experiences themselves is what makes it most enticing for me. Then again, they offer 25 different mother tongues but it makes me wonder if they’d be better teachers compared to those who only teach and focus on one, let us say French perhaps? It’s just that in my experience, schools who focus only in one subject, topic or career, the’re usually better than those who teach more than one.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      In my opinion, these teachers are way better than most local teachers who have only learned one or two foreign languages. They have learned the process and key elements of learning a new language fast. As the old wisdom says, “If you do what other successful people do, you will eventually get the same results that they do.”

      Teachers in this course are the best in the world. Their tips and advice will definitely beat tips of an old language teacher at a local school. (Sorry for a caricature 😉 )

  50. Akemi

    This is so informative!

    I started my studying my second language when I was a child as my mom and my dad talked to me in English. It’s not my native tongue but they would talk to me in English everyday. By the way, I am from the Philippines and English is our second language.

    Things that you mention in this post is very informative.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Speaking your target language is probably the most effective way to improve your language skills. I experienced it when I talked with my Spanish friend daily. My Spanish skills improved faster than ever.

  51. dexter delleva

    Language is indeed a must learn for everyone. For it opens a lot of paths, one could use it in business, or for personal undertakings. connecting to the rest of the world. The details are so well presented that anyone could literally learn with ease. I don’t need to go on search the entire web one by one how I could improved my own learning. This guide feels complete on it’s own. Kudos to these wonderful people for sharing this top notch approach of learning language.

    I just hope the techniques used will be adapted by Schools. I think it would greatly help.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Yeah, finding proper information on the Internet can be really time-consuming. That’s why it’s great to have awesome resources like Fluent in 3 Months premium that will answer your language learning questions quickly. In addition, their answers are very high-quality because they are the best language learners in the world.

  52. Angelo dizon ii

    This sounds interesting. Learning a new language is an advantage to all of us to interact with others especially all people around the world knows English. If you want to be successful we should learn a new language. It may be hard but it’s only a matter of thinking if others can then you can also.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Yes, if somebody else can do something, you can do the same as well. There are no limitations. Only limitations are the ones that we set for ourselves.

  53. Jasmine Smith

    I remember seeing Benny Lewis give a Tedtalk about this, but I have yet to buy his language set. How many languages do you know now thanks to Benny Lewis? How long did the process take for you? I loved the way you described his techniques and I would love to buy his complete set. Do you know where I can buy it?

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Before learning Benny’s mindset and methods I was only able to speak English somehow (and of course my native language Finnish). I had also studied Spanish and Swedish at school but I could really speak them. After learning from Lewis I’ve learned so much more and faster.

      Nowadays I’m able to speak somehow English, Spanish, French, German and Swedish. I don’t speak all of them fluently because I haven’t really put in the effort recently but I can have conversations in all of them.

      You can get Benny’s language set here. Then just scroll down the page to get the access to all resources.

  54. Sky.TH

    Wow this topic is so informative, learning different language can help you a lot and give you avantages in term of communication if you’re in business or seeking a job because their some kind of job that required those language skills no matter how good you are in those feld of job skills but you had a lack to communicate the language that required to be a better contribution as a team player in that specific job feld.

    I can speak 5 languages my country origin local language, English, Thai, Japanese and Hangul which those language skills help me alot to interact to different people race, learned about their culture and make friends to them, sometimes it help me easy get into job even though I have an avarage skills on that feld of work but required a language skills which sure you can get that job.

    One things the trick I can share of learning different language is you to be interested which language whould you like to learned, because every language its like a music note for me, pick those you really like the most then its easy for you to learn the language.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      That’s a good tip. I also believe that language learning should be fun. At school many people have this mentality like, “I have to learn this language because my teachers wants.” But a better mentality would that a student is genuinely interested in the language that he is studying like you said.

      Some language experts even say that you must “Love” the language that you are studying to make the process easier.

  55. sweetpot81

    Around the globe there’s a lot of language we can learn from. It’s very interesting to know that we can learn different language as much as this short time. Having the knowledge of speaking, writing different languages are your advantages specially if you are a business person who travels around the world.

    Learning new language can be a source of income as well. Thank you so much for this information that could lead us to a lot of priveledge that we could have after successfully learn another language.

  56. Jenny lee


    In this article,about being fluent in 3 months, in my opinion i would say that yes, maybe its easy to be fluent in languages maybe, it is easy to learn more languages ​​especially if you are determined to learn the different languages and if your dedicated to your goal.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Jenny,

      yes, determination and committed are keys to success. If you truly decide you want to do or achieve something you can achieve it.

  57. melvs

    This is really indeed something awesome! Looking at the names of people that know more than 10 languages are language icons. 50 languages is really terrific. I know a guy named Rizal from our history that knows and mastered 22 languages and for each language he knows is equal to the women she has.

    Now that you mentioned someone knowing 50 languages, he might also how 50 women in his life. I myself only knew 3 languages, and I know some other language but I don’t think it that it is included in the count since I only knew a little about it. But because of this system!

    Well, I guess I may still have time to master some language that I wanted to learn.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Melvs,

      you can still master many languages if you want. If you have a reason why you want to learn it, right mindset and methods, you will learn it fast.

  58. tiffiecute

    Oh, my. I’m getting jealous. I badly need to immerse myself from B1 to B2 and if I get luckier, up to C1 at least. I want to be fluent in 3 months. How can it be that easy? Por favor. Ayudame.

  59. rfismad

    Hello Roope. this may be a bit of topic, I think it may be a better idea to contact you directly, but here goes:

    If I am proficient in English and Spanish, what language would you recommend to go for? Does it matter at all, or would it be a better idea to get a closer language like Italian or German?

  60. Heatman

    Thanks Roope for such wonderful tips on how to be fluent in 3 months in other languages. I have come to realize the importance of having to speak and understand more than just one language.

    It puts you at a business advantage over your competitors, as having being able to converse in other languages would make you disposed to taking advantages of business opportunity easily where others would be looking for an interpreter for you.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Yes, being able to speak more language gives you certainly more work and business opportunities especially when you have a clear goal what you want to do. For example, studying Chinese to reach Chinese market or studying German to get employed in Switzerland could be wise moves.

      1. Heatman

        You are absolutely correct because I have actually made use of language to take advantage of a business opportunity. My family run a little private company that deals on motor spare parts sales. I happened to have picked up one of the tribal languages in Nigeria (Yoruba language), as such I decided to take another branch of the company to the Western Yoruba speaking part of the country.

        It didn’t take me that long and the business too a huge swift towards expansion as a result of increased sales, and I found out it’s as a result of my ability to speak their language. It made them view me as one of their own which propelled their continuous patronization of my motor spare parts.

        1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

          Thank you very much for sharing your experience! It’s another example that being able to speak several languages can help a lot in business and life.

  61. Tom Newman

    Learning a foreign language is essential in modern society. I have seen this system before and it is very effective.

    Like anything worthwhile, it does take work, but it is worth the time and effort that is put into it.

    English is my first language and Spanish is my second, German is my third I’m currently working on Swedish and Russian.

    Good luck and enjoy learning.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      You are right. Anything worthwhile takes time and effort but eventually it’s worth it. Seems that you already speak several languages. Nice!

  62. Areewongwanlee

    This is an interesting article. Myself, I don’t speak many languages. So far, I have learned how to speak English, Chinese, Malay and Thai. All these languages I learned to speak using the traditional methods, ie by listening to native speakers and by living among native speakers.

    Is it possible to be fluent in just 3 months?

    I suppose that depends on the definition of “fluent”. With some languages, it may be easier. With others, it may be more difficult. I think someone whose main language is speak-as-it-is-written may have some difficulty with tonal languages. I know two tonal languages, Chinese and Thai, and I find it a challenge to explain the tones to someone with a main non-tonal language.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      You speak 4 languages so that’s already very good!

      Yes, fluency is a relative term. I think it wouldn’t be possible to speak exactly like a native in 3 months. But being able to speak, write and have conversations fluently is possible.

      Chinese and Thai certainly have differences to non-tonal languages. I found that there are also many aspects with Chinese that make it easier to learn than some other languages.

  63. jemuelterrado

    I tried to learn new languages at the same time but still i am getting difficulties and hard times. I can say that i am learning french now but not in other language because the words rumbles in my mind. I think it will take several months to proceed to new one and focus first to my present learning of French.

  64. JMMagnifico

    Hi there Sir Roope Kiuttu!

    First of all I thank you for this wonderful article, I used to study different language first to impress a girl I like but it turns out that she doesn’t impress in me..

    For me learning different language nowadays will benefit us to boost our confident to communicate to others, and perhaps understand others. I am quite shy guy, and don’t talk to much,i had different nation co-workers, i hardly talk to them but I thing it would start now that I learn from this article.

    Again thanks a lot for sharing this one. I hope more article comes from you.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hello my friend!

      I heard also from other people that often guys study because their motivation is to impress a girl. To be honest, it wasn’t my motivator but I think women in general find it attractive if a man is smart and speaks multiple languages, for example.

      I encourage you to talk and use foreign languages. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. If you make mistakes, it’s actually a good sign because then you are practicing and learning usually.

  65. Steve5

    My most recent experience with learning a new language was through mobile apps. I noticed that the most effective method was the immersive learning style.

    It’s basically inviting you to learn the meaning and use of words within the proper context. It’s similar to speaking to a native speaker. The format is likely in dialog where a recorded video of someone actually speaking is shown. Then, you’re asked to reply as best as you can.

    It feels as though you’re speaking in front of the person even when you know it’s a video. It helps establish a sense of communication compared to dull audio recordings.

    Learning a new language isn’t my main focus right now but I’m confident it will be in the near future. It’s something I’ve always dreamed of achieving. I’ll consider Benny Lewis and his methods as another great means of learning.

    I’m thankful we live in the digital age where almost anything is possible. All you have to do to learn is to find ways to make it happen. It’s that simple.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Yes, full immersion is the most effective way to learn a language. It requires a leap like in the picture below but it gives the best results. When I lived in Austria I wasn’t able to make that leap for some reason with German but next time I’ll be wiser and immerse myself more in the language.

      1. Steve5

        I find it fascinating that language and culture are so intertwined. It feels as though one cannot live without the other.

        Immersion happens best when we allow ourselves to connect with other people. They are the prime examples of what their language has to offer. They live and breath it 24/7.

        It’s ingrained in their culture.

        And yes! There’s always a next time. But we ought make sure that each time counts. Our lives are already finite as it is. Funny how learning new languages improves our sense of humor.

  66. potentialwriter

    I always consider it very necessary to learn English and one or two more languages the normal way I should, but sometimes, face challenges that may prevent me from doing so. There are potential language speakers everywhere in the world who can’t learn and speak the way they desire due to similar challenges. I understand equally that language learning is crucial for so many reasons and tools like Benny’s Meetup, Italki, Memrise tools and so on may help out.

  67. Angel Posas

    Hello Roope Kiuttu,

    My name is Angel, I’m from Philippines.
    I am using Memrise which is an online app that can also be installed on your android phone for offline use.

    I somehow got engaged because of the games and eventually I’m thinking that I am getting used to both english and a little of korean/hangul, is your program that good when it comes to fun and enjoyment? Cause I easily got bored on all the teaching lessons, like that one time I enrolled and all the teacher did was just to copy what she wrote and say. Doesn’t even make me familiarize a single thing.

    Angel Posas

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Hi Angel!

      Memrise is a great language learning game. I have actually written some articles of Memrise on my blog.

      Benny Lewis’ methods are far from boring. He also criticizes “old-school” classroom studying and always wants to provide the most interesting ways to study. Actually, he learned 10 new languages without going to a single course. That’s why, I think that classroom studying is a bit old school when it comes to learning languages.

  68. cmw4562

    When I was in high school, one of the requirements was that we had to take a language class. I think it is so important that one make an attempt to learn basic culture and language of another culture such as France and Spain, to mention a few.

    Sometimes people are reluctant to take on this challenge because they are afraid of how they might sound when they attempt to communicate in the new language. With practice will come perfection. If one does not practice, then one will not become comfortable with the new language.

    It is really so wonderful that there are such tools like Benny Lewis’ Premium Language Course to simplify the learning of a new language, whether it be for business or for pleasure.

  69. potentialwriter

    Though it’s very hard to believe I could learn French and become fluent in just three months, Benny Lewis has done a perfect job here making sure it becomes easy for everyone to learn and speak French as soon as possible. It’s rare to have such a competent and perfect language tutor like Benny Lewis, but I shouldn’t be surprised understanding that there are passionate teachers who teach with methods that simplify things no matter how complex they are.

  70. potentialwriter

    I just want to appreciate you for taking courage to learn foreign languages and encouraging others to do the same, showing possibilities that anyone can learn and become fluent in three months. Though I have been encouraged to start learning French in particular from the very first day I read about Benny Lewis’s language learning course on this site, the video I watched here has really convinced me finally to give it a try.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      I’m more than happy to hear that I’ve been able to encourage you. I’m sure you’ll master French with resources that I show on this website.

  71. Adesuwa08

    I’ve always loved French but never had the knack to undergo a learning class. I did though back in highschool and it turned out bad for me, especially when one of my teachers told me learning languages wasnt made for me. I guess I gave up and never felt the need to try. But I recent times, I’ve begin to crave learning a new language, especially French. This is one reason why am liking this post. I only hope it wont turn out bad at the end when I finally decide to sign up for the three months course.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      You’ll learn lots of new skills and learn French faster than before with the tips and resources that Benny shares.

  72. Martinsx

    I watched several YouTube clip of Benny’s explanations on learning languages techniques, and including the ones you shared here in this article, he has always done an excellent job.

    It’s good having the price of Fi3M premium fall from $197 to $97, which is even less than half the initial price. This is definitely going to make it easier for more people to go for this.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      I’m glad to hear that you watched his video. I believe you found it valuable.

      Yes, Fluent in 3 Months is pretty cheap compared to the value it provides.

  73. Aicee

    Kudos to you Roope. Love the way you make it easy for your readers to understand how easy to learn the language.

    English is my second language. And I use it for my living. Been working as customer service rep in a while. At first, yes its hard but you’ll get use to it.

    Thanks much for this article.

  74. diana

    Thanks for sharing these techniques. In just a short time and using videos it can help us to learn to communicate and understand most especially other foreign countries.. for all we know that English is universal language.

  75. Krista McGee

    This sounds like a great program. However, I am interested to know how “fluency” is defined. Is it the ability to order food or give directions to an Uber or Grab driver? Or is it the ability to engage in meaningful conversation? Are students instructed in listening skills? If so, what about different accents within the language students are learning? Are students exposed to a variety of speakers?

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Fluency means that you can have conversations with native speakers easily without extra effort. Yes, you’ll also learn about listening skills. You have so many questions that I think the best way is just to try the program yourself. They have a 30-day money back guarantee so you can try it without any risk. 🙂

  76. Sase3119

    Out of curiosity, how many different languages have you tried using this system? I’m interested in how the system would work and what the differences would be with languages that use a different character system (e.g. Asian languages vs. English).

    I fell in love with foreign languages as a child but never had anyone who could actually teach me (sadly we didn’t have foreign languages in school until high school) so I’m always interested in any system that helps you to essentially self-teach, or at least to learn on your own.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      I have used Benny’s principles for all languages that I have studied (Spanish, French, German, Swedish, etc.). There are, of course, some differences when using different character system. Most of the time Benny concentrates on how you’ll learn to speak because that’s what most people want to do. But he also gives specified tips for each language like Chinese and Japanese as well.

      You can try Benny’s course without a risk because they have a full money-back guarantee.

  77. Alaisa Asi

    Great job sir. This website is really useful, learning other countries language and be able to speak them as well will surely prevent language barrier. Keep it up and I’ll keep learning too. Thanks so much!

  78. raniel

    Nice this is a nice course, since language is the method of human communication. we should learn different languages as much as possible and as long as we can. it will be a big help to avoid miscommunication. The ability to communicate is very crucial to success specialy those who work away from your country.

  79. Jamaiko Uraca

    This technique in learning a language saves a lot of money compared to other online teaching instructors it also saves time. Imagine in that short span of month learning a new language? What could be more awesome than that.

  80. Tonying

    wow, that’s really amazing! But how does it work? I mean based on my experience, I can’t hardly even learn even just 20 lines of day to day conversations of a new language for a year but in 3 months? That’s a compact way of learning a new language. Amazing! Maybe your method is for a guy in a rush who somewhat must learn the language of her foreign fiance before he could meet her parents. I think I must learn your way, your method of learning. Must somewhat be applicable to other areas of learning as well to fast track fluency. I’m also thinking the other way around. What if let’s say a Chinese man wants to learn the English language, needs it before the end of April this year during his English test. Do you think we could apply your method to teach this guy in just 3 months learning English Language?

    Great insights on this! More power!

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Yes, I certainly believe that a Chinese guy could learn the English language in 3 short months if he wants. Of course, it requires lots of dedication and commitment but it’s possible. He won’t probably speak 100% like a native but he’ll achieve a fluent level.

      Have you tried Fluent in 3 months? It’s easy to try it because they offer a full money-back guarantee if you don’t like it for any reason.

  81. Ginz


    This is an awesome tutorial Language learning. You know, learning Language of a certain nation is taking deep on their culture and soon loving about them. Language is the tool to know adeptly people and nature especially if you love wandering around the globe. It can bring us peace and unity in the multi lingual world. For us here in the Philippines, we have different Language, but most of us are English fluent speakers. Yet, still we need to upgrade our English learning for us to be internationally inclined. I think this Fluent in 3 Months tutorial will help us a lot.

    However, your video is nice and clear, but if possible you may add captions for every words you have spoken, you know some find it interesting and watchable if they have something to read on and simultaneously of what you are saying. I think this applicable to some millennials who are listening and reading at the same time. God bless! More Language Lesson for you.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Thank you very much Ginz for your valuable tips! I will add captions to some of my future videos! I highly appreciate your feedback.

  82. Honey

    Fluent in 3 months? I think it’s possible as long as there is a dedication. But as for me, working in different country with different language as mine is such a struggle. I mean, I want to be fluent with my english but since the place that I’ve work, most of them used there mother tongue (language) so instead learning more in English, I am learning with there language. And one more thing, I keep watching dramas on television with different languages as well with subtitle. So my mind struggling now which language to prioritise. That’s why focus and dedication are really needed.

    1. Roope Kiuttu Post author

      Focus and dedication are important like you said. With those two things you’ll achieve great things in life, in general. If you want to learn languages faster, I highly recommend checking out Fluent in 3 months premium course by Benny Lewis.

  83. Jazmin

    This was a great informative article about Benny’s course 3 month course. Thank you for sharing! I am very interested in learning another, if not 2 other languages, and now after reading this article I’m going to do a bit more research on Benny and hopefully here some other great testimonials. The parts when you quote some people was my favorite part about this article because they are so relatable and ture.

    I absolutely agree with you based on the what I have read in this article , when you say that the tips and principles Benny uses to learn new languages should be taught in schools. I have known so many people say to me that they took a language class in high school, and they came out of it retaining little to nothing of it. Thank you again for sharing your experience with the course.

  84. Farzad22

    I was really impressed. Beautiful and easy to learn. Wonderful! I read different opinions and everyone agrees with me.

  85. OlaSidiq

    Being able to speak many languages is a big advantage in tody’s world and learning from a proven expert is a sure way that accelerates learning.

    From my past video courses, I usually have better of any course that has task/exercise after each section.


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